Music Videos
Check It Out, My Christmas Tree (2020)
The song is Christmas, but the distant piano and shadow video are all 2020 stay-at-home isolation.
Song for You
The song is from 2015, but the distant piano and shadow video are all 2020 stay-at-home isolation.
Guitar Lick Profile Pic
My collection of guitar lick profile pics in one song.
Melt With You
The Music: An experiment on the guitar as percussion, bass and rhythm.
The Video: An experiment on Photoshop layer styles in video editing.
Getting Better All The Time
Ode to Eta Carinae
Headphone music, mixed for headphones with strong stereo panning.
Blitskreig Bop
I started out recording Prelude, but I got Blitzkrieg Bop, an experiment on the guitar as the whole band — drums, bass, rhythm. The video is an experiment with Photoshop Filter Gallery on video.
Check It Out, My Christmas Tree
The 2018 version on my 2017 Christmas Song. It’s kinda New Wave this year.
Iko, Iko
A fun, dancey cover of a fun dancey song.
What About (a song about friendship)
A friend posted on Facebook something like, “After doing some work, I walked downstairs, and my son and his friend were there. Nearly all his friends have now seen me with no pants”
I replied, “Someone should write a song about that.” The song almost wrote itself.
So this song really isn’t about pants. It’s about friendship, all your friends close enough to have seen your mom without her pants, so to speak, like in a dress or a swim suit.
Johnny B. Goode
Twelve-bar blues rock in the form of Johnny B. Goode, inspired by the interpretation of Jimi Hendrix of a song written by Chuck Berry.
An experiment in 3/4 time. It’s boppy, kinda pop.
Fanfare, Three Themes in Three Minutes
I wrote this song in 1997 but never published it. It’s an orchestral piece. I don’t have video, so I used some pictures I shot over the years.
Prelude, Cello Suite 1, an experiment
I’ve long wanted to play around with this song on distorted, electric guitar. So here’s my version as of April 2017.
Misty Run
An excuse to play guitar for four minutes. A few lyrics to call it a song, but mostly an excuse to play guitar.