Dave Loebig Music
Playin’ the sound a guitar makes when I can. Originals and covers including rock guitar, strummy guitar, finger picking guitar, singalongs, some mellow, some rock, some happy crowd pleasers.
Current Songs
These are some of the songs you might hear at a show. Tap to see your parts to sing ‘n ‘at.
Prelude, Cello Suite #1
A six-minute version repeating a few bits of the song in three parts:
- The Hook
- Requiem
- Celebration
What About
Your part to sing:
They’ve all seen my Mom without her pants.
Petticoat Junction
Your part to sing:
Petticoat… junction.
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
I think this song is one of the most interesting sequences of notes ever composed.
Wagon Wheel
Usually sung as a singalong for the chorus, the verses tell a tragic story of somebody running from trouble, from their own past. They are trying to get home so if they have to die, it will be at home. Sung for the verses, the chorus becomes a prayer of submission in hopes of mercy.
Rock me, Mama, like a wagon wheel
Rock me, Mama, any way you feel
Hey… Mama, rock meRock me, Mama, like the wind and the rain
Rock me, Mama, like a southbound train
Hey… Mama, rock me
Dust in the Wind
Your part to sing:
Aaah, aaah, aaah,
Aaah, aaah, aaah,
Aaah, aaah, aaah,
Aaah, aaah, aaah,
Oh, dust in the wind,
All we are is dust in the wind.
Puff the Magic Dragon
Your part to sing:
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist, in a land called Honah Lee
Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist, in a land called Honah Lee
Iko, Iko
Your part to sing:
Hey now…
Hey now…
Song For You
Your part to sing:
Doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Sugar, Sugar
Your part to sing:
Ba, ba, ba, ba, baa, ba…
Ba, ba, ba, ba, baa, ba…
Baaaa, ba, baaaa
What’s Up
Your part to sing:
And we sing, hey-ey-ey-ey-ey
We sing “Hey, what’s going on?”
And we sing, hey-ey-ey-ey-ey
We sing “Hey, what’s going on?”
Tell ’em
Your part to sing:
Tell them that you’re never going to leave them.
Tell them that you’re always going to love them.
Tell them, tell them
Them them, tell them right now
You don’t get much of a cue. Your first line starts 4 lines after “If you want them to….”
An alternative arrangement:
- Women sing the first line.
- Men sing the second line.
- Everybody sings lines three and four.
Show Me the Way to Go Home
Your part to sing:
Show me the way to go home,
I’m tired and I want to go to bed,
I had a little drink about an hour ago,
And it’s gone right to my head,
Wherever I may roam,
On land or sea or foam,
You can always hear me singing this song,
Show me the way to go home.
These lyrics come from this version labeled from 1926.